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Winter is here and the frost is not only nipping at your nose but the whole face. Fortunately, with a facial skin care routine that meets your exact skin care needs you can be on your way to healthy, radiant skin tone. Facial skin care is more than just cleansing and dabbing on the occasional cream at night. You need to be more responsible in how you protect your skin on a daily basis. Drinking more fluids and using products that have moisture-retaining ingredients like Phytessence Wakame are excellent methods you can follow. Skin care products that have special ingredients like wakame will add moisture as well as sooth your skin while the winter conditions are irritating and drying it out. simple winter skin care tips: Use a mild cleanser as opposed to soap, which can strip your skin of the essential oils it needs. Though you may not be as thirsty as during the summer, continue to drink lots of water to provide the necessary hydration to your skin. Avoid products with high alcohol content, heavy perfumes or other additives that can irritate your sensitive, dry skin. Wear rubber gloves whenever you are dealing with cleansing products, including dish soap. Dry your hands completely after washing them to avoid chapping, and apply hand lotion after each cleansing. Sunscreens are a good idea, even during the winter months, as the winter sun can damage any exposed areas of your body. You should moisturize your face and body with a thick moisturizing cream or lotion during the day whenever you feel that you skin is becoming dry, and also after you have showered. You should also use an oil based supplement such as cod-liver oil or flaxseed oil to moisturize your body from within. You should drink at least eight glasses of water per day as it helps keep the skin from dehydrating and it is also beneficial to your health overall.

